Thursday, February 16, 2006

Generation Y

I've had a project proposed to me at work that amounts to, "Do some research and figure out this generation Y thing" (born 1979-1994). The organization that I work for in interested in hiring employees straight from college, so it's a great question to ask. I think we have a lot of preconceived notions about them:
  • They're used to having coaches, counselors, and hovering parents.
  • They want immediate gratification and expect others to help them reach their goals.
  • They don't respond to restrictive rules and regulations (or dress codes)
  • They are facile with technology and rely heavily on blogs, MySpace, cellphones, etc.
Interesting challenge. Any thoughts?

--TinFoil Out


Anonymous said...

I just read this little blurb in Fast Company yesterday:

Tin Foil Hat said...

Great link Jen. I look forward to Mickey's references too. Tough problem . . . I don't want to "type" people, but I think we can learn a lot about how to manage these folks. Hopefully we can implement a study that is meaningful. Thanks!

L&D said...

Wow, that article makes it clear that Generation Y is the perfect group of employees to see us through a future of competing against highly focused workforces in China and India willing to accept low pay for stability. We rock! [sarcasm off]

It occurs to me that most of the things said about Gen Y are also true of my experience with the current generation of Danish students. They really don't accept the idea that professors are by definition people who know more than they do on certain topics and are there to evaluate their performance. They feel free to critique and dismiss their parents and teachers without feeling any obligation to make an effort themselves, and when they do, it's expected that their work will be praised regardless of actual quality. It's like they got the "question authority" motto of the boomers blended with the slacker/independence of our generation, plus an intoxicating dash of entitlement.

You damn kids get out of my yard!

Anonymous said...

Um, Mickey Marx, you are the BOOK on Gen Y - Millenials behavior. My God, you've nailed it! Tin Foil, just because labels are sticky doesn't mean they aren't true. Mine was born in 1986 - trust the Y's description, it's all true even when you've raised them with the same "values" of your own generation the influences of the Y generation (we can blame technology as much as anything) was just too strong. Of course generalizations leave room for expansion - so I wouldn't be too worried. Growth is always possible. :-)
Just surfing in from Hipsters blog and love your Tin Foil Hat reference!