Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Told ya so! . . . Bush uses religion for political gain.

What did I just say? It was confirmed today by David Kuo, former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush and Deputy Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, that Bush never seriously cared about his "faith based initiatives." As Kuo--a longtime Republican and former staffer of William Bennet and John Ashcroft-- says:
Capitol Hill gridlock could have been smashed by minimal West Wing effort. No administration since LBJ's has had a more successful legislative track record than this one. From tax cuts to Medicare, the White House gets what the White House really wants. It never really wanted the "poor people stuff."
To be fair, he blames both Democrats and Republicans for the failure of the programs:
At the end of the day, both parties played to stereotype -- Republicans were indifferent to the poor and the Democrats were allergic to faith.
He describes how Bush's major funding for faith-based initiatives was diverted at the last minute:
In June 2001, the promised tax incentives for charitable giving were stripped at the last minute from the $1.6 trillion tax cut legislation to make room for the estate-tax repeal that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy.

Wake up people. If you aren't rich, Bush doesn't care about you--No matter how "hard" you pray.

--Tinfoil out


Joe Wilson said...

Yep, it appears painfully obvious that GBW's ass was saved this election by appealing to religious conservative "values;" making empty promises and grandiose-but-vague plans to support their agenda.

And it worked.

But why? Can we extend the idea of "confirmation bias" to this situation, or is it just a statement of a pathetic need-to-believe in our fearless leader? He continues to lie, and we (as a nation) continue to buy it. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

Have you read "Dude, where's my Country"? Good stuff, it going right along with ferienheight(sp?) 911, good stuff. hmmm... i say we flush bush down a toilet..